Saturday, 24 March 2018

Molybenite Ridge 2014

One of my goals for 2018 and beyond is to start producing more video content.  I'm no videographer by any means but I find the process fun and rewarding.  I have some money in this years budget for some gear that should help my content be a little more interesting.

Creating a short post to link to my favorite video to date and one of my favorite Jeep trips.

Trip was at the end of August 2014, I've since returned in 2016 and look forward to future trips as well!

Molybenite Ridge 2014

A brief blurb on the trip is that it isn't anything short of spectacular.  The location is super accessible from the interior or lower mainland.  Lillooet itself is a a beautiful quite place, along the Fraser river.  The trail isn't technical at all, and most any 4x4 could make it. As you climb up the scenery changes several times from the desert like Lilloet area, though lush forests, into the subalpine of the camp spot and lake, all the way to the moonscape like rocks of the summit.

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