The one thing that every off roader or overlander knows is that you can never have too much storage or organization. For us in the Jeep this is assisted by Rightline and their line of Jeep Wrangler specific gear bags.

To start with I got one of there sport bar mounted tube bags, this straps securely to the rear diagonal downtube on the sportbar and offers a fair amount of storage where no storage was before. I use this bag to hold some cold and rain weather gear since being warm and dry can be the difference between a great and terrible trip. This bag conveniently stores a pair of snow pants, a rain shell, gloves, and toque for winter, or a down jacket, down vest, rain shell, gloves, and toque for summer. I would have thought that this bag would be prone to flopping around but it seems to stay well in place at least with the hardtop on.

The next bags are the JK Unlimited specific side storage bags which carve out convenient storage on either side of the jeep in front of the rear wheel well where it is otherwise awkward to utilize the space. These fit well, and allow access to the main compartment through full length zippers at the top as well as the front. The also have a couple smaller compartments located on them, one being a zippered pocket, and the other an elasticized mesh pocket. Since I have the back of the Jeep setup with a shelf I basically only use the front zippers and main compartment.
The rear storage bags mount with one long strap over the sport bar just to the side and behind the passenger, another strap that loops over the shoulder belt holder, and finally a third short strap which wraps around the sport bar where it meets the tub. I have never had an issue with these shifting around. These straps are also easy to remove with buckles and the bags themselves have nice carry handles.
Typically I use these rear bags to hold my maps, on the drivers side, as well as my girlfriends spare clothes on the passenger side. They hold there shape well, making it a perfect compliment to the rear shelf and Dometic Fridge.
Below are Amazon affiliate links for both of these bags. By using the links below it helps me get a small kickback from your purchase while you get the same great prices and service from Amazon.
4 Door JK Side Bags
Rear Roll Bar Bag
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